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Graduation Requirement

TOPS UNIVERSITY DUPLOMA:Requirements for students entering 9th in 2021 and beyond:

ENGLISH:Shall be English I,II,III,and IV (4 units)

MATHEMATICS:Algebra I,Geometry,Algebra II,and Advanced Math (4 Units)

SCIENCE:Biology,Chemistry,and 2 units from the following:Physical Science,Biology II ,Environmental Science,Agriscience I and Agriscience II,or Physics (4 units)

SOCIAL STUDIES:Civics,and 2 units from the following:World History, World Geography,or Western Civilization (4 units)

HEALTH:AShall have ½ unit of health education (0.5 unit)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION:1 and a ½ units of P.E. or equivalent (1.5 units)

FOREIGH LANGUAGE:2 units in the same foreign language (2 units)

ARTS:1 unit of fine Arts Survey,Art,Dance,Choir,Theatre,Band or Music Appreciation (1 unit)

ELECTIVES:A total of 3 elective unit (3 units)